Piro Nagar Parishad
Piro is Block in Bihar state, Piro Block population in 2023 is 291,886. According to 2011 census of India, Total Piro population is 221,126 people are living in this Block, of which 114,808 are male and 106,318 are female. Piro population estimated to be 283,041 in 2022. Literate people are 129,407 out of 79,030 are male and 50,377 are female. Total workers are 66,000 depends on multi skills out of which 51,166 are men and 14,834 are women. Total 13,407 Cultivators are depended on agriculture farming out of 12,118 are cultivated by men and 1,289 are women. 16,281 people works in agricultural land as a labour in Piro, men are 14,237 and 2,044 are women.

Committee Members
Notice Board

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